Singing for Seniors
Susan Garrett, professional singer was so moved by the transformational nature of singing on the lives of those with dementia that she set up Singing for Seniors and now runs regular Singing & Reminiscence activities in care homes. She is also a Dementia Friends Champion with the Alzheimers Society.
“Music is so important and enables people with dementia to interact when they can’t communicate in other ways.
Sometimes you’ll play a piece of music that will get them up dancing. Other times it might make them cry.
You’re able to access parts of their brain that other forms of communication can’t.”
There has been so much research about the benefits of music and particularly singing for those with dementia so I hope that my Activities and Resources will help you all do just that.
We look forward to helping you make singing a regular part of your activities programme AND give it that extra bit of SPARKLE!
Our Singing & Reminiscence Activities are fun and energising for residents, family members, carers, and staff alike.
With our Singing for Seniors Leader Course we believe that YOU can also learn how to facilitate these Singing & Reminiscence Activities.
Our Singing & Reminiscence Programmes are a new way for you to deliver a singing activity to those living with dementia.
See what our customers say:
Singing & Reminiscence Activities
Sessions can be run on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis as part of your activities calendar. We can also plan specially themed events such as songs from the shows, wartime songs, etc.
Please contact us if you would like us to come and facilitate these activities for you.
Singing for Seniors Leader Course
The Singing for Seniors Leader Course will give you the necessary practical skills and confidence to deliver this engaging experience to someone with dementia. Using our structured format makes it so easy to conduct a Singing & Reminiscence session.
Our 1 day training course teaches care staff how to run a Singing & Reminiscence Session as well as learning about the benefits of singing for the elderly and those with dementia. Want to find out more?
Singing & Reminiscence Programmes
We have devised a number of different themed programmes that will help your sing-along sessions run smoothly. Each programme includes a CD of songs specially recorded by a professional singer in keys and speeds that are perfect for residents to sing along with and large-print songbooks which are easy for seniors to read. Click here to see our range of Singing & Reminiscence Programmes.
What makes this product different from other sing-alongs is that we have created the Reminiscence Guide, which is included as part of the package.
Thoughtfully developed, this resource includes lots of visual cues to get the memories flowing, and to make the activity more engaging, fun and thought provoking. Easy to slot into a session, we’re told this is where the magic is!
You might be a relative or carer, or you may be an activities co-ordinator or volunteer in a care home. Whoever you are, the Singing & Reminiscence Programmes are absolutely for you and really easy to use. Click here to purchase any of our Singing & Reminiscence Programmes.
Most importantly, you don’t have to be a singer and you don’t really have to think about it too much either. Just pick up the pack, follow the easy to use format and you are all set to make a real difference to someone’s day! After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?
We also recommend using a variety of props to liven up your activities even more! Click here for some suggestions.
The Benefits of Singing
Singing is a powerful way to transform the life of a resident living with dementia. Studies have shown that not only does it help with memory recall, but it also improves their general wellbeing. It’s an enjoyable social activity, which lifts the sense of isolation felt by many. It also helps restore personal identity. People with dementia can tap into long-forgotten memories through singing and often readily recall songs from their past.
The benefits of these sessions are clear to see:
- People are more energised
- Their mood is improved
- Communication skills are enhanced.
- Breathing exercises improve stamina
- Gentle physical warm ups keep that circulation going
Sessions can be run on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis as part of your activities calendar. We can also plan especially themed events such as songs from the shows, wartime songs, etc.
We’ll be happy to tailor something to suit your needs. Contact us to discuss your requirements.
Are you interested in our Singing for Seniors programme? Contact us today for more information.